
06 Dec 2023, 10:00 AM

Speakers Details

Hannah In-Chan

Global Immigration Counsel

As a Global Immigration specialist, Hannah focuses on corporate immigration in the EMEA region consulting with businesses on employee immigration and mobility, ensuring compliance. A Solicitor, registered with the Law Society of England and Wales, Hannah has over 19 years’ experience in corporate immigration on a global scale. She has worked closely with clients on projects including right to work checks; audit of documents held for immigration compliance; conducted reviews and made recommendations on clients’ immigration processes, completed immigration feasibility studies and advised clients regarding entering new markets; provided guidance on immigration impact of BREXIT; advised on clients’ eligibility to act as an immigration sponsor in addition to acting as an Employer on Record for immigration purposes. Prior to joining the company, she worked as an immigration attorney at various immigration departments from a niche law firm to managing teams at a multinational Big 4 accountancy firm.



Wednesday Dec 06, 2023, 10:30 AM - 10:55 AM

Travel Risks But Not As You Know Them