5 Minutes with…Danny Cockton

VP Global Travel Services, Wood PLC, winner of the Mentee of the Year Award
Congratulations on your award! Can you tell us what this recognition means to you?
Firstly, it was very generous of my mentor, Nikki Parsons, to take the time and complete the submission and of course I’m delighted to have been chosen as the winner. In contrast to previous winners of this award I’m probably a bit later in my career, so I hope that the recognition serves as a reminder to others that it doesn’t matter what stage of your career you are at, having a mentor can play an important role in your personal development and ultimately your career.
What inspired you to pursue excellence in your specific field within the business travel industry?
It doesn’t matter whether it’s the time I have spent in hotels and accommodation, my time working at ITM, or any of the roles I have had in the past at TMCs and of course the one I am privileged enough to have today at Wood, the aim is always the same; be better tomorrow than you were today. So, I think a better way to frame that would be to say I pursue continuous improvement. Having a growth mindset isn’t for everyone and it isn’t easy. As to why I am like that, I was fortunate to have people like that around me all my life, and they became my mentors as got to my twenties and thirties. Like many I fell into Business Travel and then fell in love with the people.
You've shown remarkable growth through the mentoring programme. How did your mentor support you in achieving your goals?
Like anything you get out, what you put in. If you just turn up monthly for a nice chat, then that’s what you will have. If you turn up with objectives, then that’s what you will achieve. So, the responsibility was on me to be organised and prepared, sending in advance the problems I wanted to share, presentations I wanted to practice. That allows your mentor, in my case Nikki, to have some time to think about how they can support, Nikki would then bring relevant information, articles, templates and of course her own extensive experience.
What advice would you give to new mentees entering the programme?
The onus is on you, it is your career, own it. Be prepared and be organised. Help your mentor help you, by sharing the relevant information in advance have a plan as to what you want to achieve. Discuss your plan with your mentor and agree the cadence of conversations. Make the most of it. Remember this, mentoring is a two-way street, and your mentor will learn from you as well. So don’t forget to ask if there is anything you can do for your mentor. You might surprise yourself with the outcomes.
What advice would you give to others in the business travel industry looking to make a significant impact?
If you want to have a significant impact on any industry then you have to demonstrate you can get things done, projects delivered, and assignments nailed. The people who can demonstrate that are the ones who stand out. Then remember we are primarily a service industry. Whether you are a hotelier or airline serving people in your hotels or planes, whether you are a TMC or even a travel manager, you are serving customers and critically we are all serving each other and the best way to serve is to share your gifts and talents freely with everyone you work with.