The ITM Achievement Awards 2025
Celebrating Excellence Across the Business Travel Community
13 June 2025 | Royal National Hotel, London

Award Categories

Award Nominations Close on 21 March – Submit Yours Today!

General Categories

Game Changer
Individual or Team
This award recognises those who have demonstrated exceptional drive, bold thinking, and the confidence to implement transformative changes, overcoming significant company, client, or industry challenges.
Service Excellence
Individual or Team
Shining a light on those who have demonstrated unparalleled focus, dedication, and excellence over the past year, delivering best-in-class results to clients and stakeholders.
Programme Achievement
Individual or Team
Honouring individuals and teams who have reimagined Travel, Meetings, or Expense Programmes to maximise value and enhance the end-to-end experience. Whether through strategic redesign, technology adoption, or resource optimisation, this award celebrates impactful improvements.

Focus Categories

Responsible Travel Champion
Individual or Team
This award celebrates individuals or teams with an unwavering commitment to sustainability, creating impactful, responsible travel programmes or offerings.
Tech Innovator
Individual or Team
Recognising true trailblazers who are revolutionising the industry with cutting-edge technology, driving innovation in an ever-evolving landscape.

ITM Mentoring Programme Categories
(Exclusive to Programme Participants)

Mentor of the Year
Honouring mentors who have gone above and beyond to guide, inspire, and share their expertise, fostering future talent in the industry.
Mentee of the Year
Recognising mentees who have invested deeply in their personal and professional growth through their commitment to the ITM Mentoring Programme.
One to Watch (Mentee)
Celebrating a standout mentee who has excelled in their journey, demonstrating remarkable progress and potential. The winner of this award will be revealed during the event.

Spring Conference Awards 2025

Travel Buyer of the Year Award
As part of our Spring Conference Gala dinner, we will also be recognising and celebrating the incredible impact our members make within the business travel community. There are 2 award categories and the winner will be individuals who have made significant contributions to their organisations, travel programme, industry or to ITM. 
If you're looking to find out more about our awards and what it means to be a winner, check out our ITM Achievement Awards blog series.

Ticket Pricing

Single Ticket
Ex Vat
Table of Ten
Ex Vat

All tickets include a three course lunch with complimentary drinks

It means everything! A career goal of mine was to be nominated for an industry award, let alone win one! be recognised by my colleagues, customers, and industry peers makes the harder days all worth it. Achieving an award such as this helps me demonstrate what can be accomplished with hard work and determination.

- Jake Lawley | Clarity
Winner of the Programme Achievement Individual Award 2024

It was such a surprise to win and it meant so much to me. Winning the award represented the culmination of a year of a lot of hard work and professional growth, but also a year when I have had to overcome various personal challenges, in particular, feelings of self-doubt, but to walk up on stage and accept the award was amazing. 

- Katie Garrahy  | Silverdoor
Winner of the ITM ‘One to Watch’ Award in 2023 

Winning the ITM Tech Innovator Team Award is an incredible honour and a testament to the hard work and passion of our entire Thrust Carbon team. This award is more than a recognition for us; it’s a powerful reminder that sustainable thinking and action should be at the heart of everything we do.

- Mark Corbett | Thrust Carbon
Winners of the Tech Innovator Team Award 2024

It is a huge honour to win this award. Being nominated and shortlisted was an amazing feeling. Recognition from peers and the industry is extremely rewarding. So, hearing my name announced as the winner was incredible. I am so grateful to those who nominated me and to the judges, as well as to ITM for recognising and nurturing talent in our industry. 

- Shelley Fletcher-Bryant | Advito
Winner of the ITM Game Changer Individual Award 2023

ITM Achievement Awards

Celebrating excellence across the travel community and recognising mentees as they graduate from the ITM Mentoring Programme, the event promises to be a rewarding afternoon and provides a perfect opportunity to network.

The Awards

Category - General
- Game Changer (Individual or Team) 
This year's Game Changer award will recognise the exceptional drive, bold approach and confidence to pursue change to overcome a company, client or industry challenge.

- Programme Achievement (Individual)

- Programme Achievement (Team)
This award will recognise the step changes made in Travel, Meetings and/or Expense Programmes to bring maximum value to the end-to-end experience. It could be a single piece of the puzzle, a re-design of the programme, technology-based or a re-focus of the resource in place.

- Service Excellence (Individual) 

- Service Excellence (Team)
Recognising the focus and dedication needed to deliver excellence over the last year, this award will shine a light on the individual, and teams, that have demonstrated best-in-class.

Category - Focus
- Resonsible Travel Champion (Individual or Team)
The recipient of this title will be awarded to the person or team that has an unwavering dedication to making their programme/offering more sustainable.

- Tech Innovator 
(Individual or Team)
The winner of this award will be awarded to person or team that is known as a true trailblazer in the ever-evolving landscape of technology.

Category - ITM Mentoring Programme{Only those within the programme can apply}
- Mentor of the Year

This award recognises this mentor's commitment to supporting the industry and future talent through sharing their expertise to guide and develop the mentees they have worked with.

- Mentee of the Year 

This award recognises this mentee's investment in the ITM Mentoring Programme, and themselves, through working with their mentor.

One to Watch (Mentee) 
The ITM Mentoring Team recognise a mentee who has excelled on their journey with their mentor. 
The winner of this award will be announced at the event. 

The awards will conclude with the Mentoring Programme Graduation.

If you're looking to find out more about our awards and what it means to be a winner, check out our ITM Achievement Awards blog series.


12:00Arrival and drinks reception
13:00Welcome and introductions
13:20Lunch and awards
16:00Closing speeches

The above agenda timing is subject to change

Dress Code: Business casual or summer chic the choice is yours, (ties and suits not necessary)

For more information regarding our mentoring programme, please email


ITM Conference Awards 2025

As part of our Confernece Gala dinner, we will be recognising and celebrating the incredible impact our memebrs make within the business travel community. There are 2 award categories and the winner will be individuals who have displayed excellence or made significant contributions to their organistations, travel programme, industry or to ITM. 

- Travel Buyer of the Year Award

This award will focus on the qualities, collaboration, and achievements an individual has demonstrated within their role. We are looking for nominations which demonstrte the work buyers have done to adapt to the complex environment, colloborate both internally and externally to support their travellers, buiness objectives and peers whilst continuing to chamption the value of travel management.


ITM Achievement Awards | Photos 2022

Pre Event Material

Upload Date: 26 Jan 2023

View all of the photos from our 2022 event 

ITM Achievement Awards | Photos 2023

Pre Event Material

Upload Date: 29 Jan 2024

Full set of photos from our 2023 event

Venue Location

Royal National Hotel, London
(WC1H 0DG)

Celebrate Excellence Across the Business Travel Industry