60 -Second Interview: Dr Lucy Rattrie

Name: Dr Lucy Rattrie
Firm: University of Stirling
Position: Psychologist – business traveller wellbeing
Hobbies: I enjoy trail running, mountain sports, bike-packing, long-distance triathlon – all balanced with yoga and burying my head in a book.
One Interesting fact about yourself: I can occasionally be found on BBC TV presenting on adventure sports!
My Experience
How did you get into the business travel industry?
I love travel. I love maps. I love planes. I love exploring the world. I also love the beauty and power of the mind, with its potential to self-create a thriving world for us and those we connect with. It was the most obvious thing to do a Ph.D. in business travel wellbeing, which led me to work with travellers directly, and as I became more passionate, decided I had potential to positively change things.
Who has influenced your career the most?
My family and childhood shaped me and my choices – my passions, drive, enthusiasm. There isn’t one person, yet at the moment white lily man (a platonic best friend) is inspiring, encouraging, supportive and showing me the way to my dreams.
What are you working on at the moment?
Lots of cool things! My new book Happy & Here is about to be published. Preparing for a global Government Summit on Wellbeing. Off to US to showcase some business traveller wellness ideas. Working with an interesting client piloting a global business traveller wellbeing programme. Creating a strong evidence base and doing more research so we all have confidence in our actions.
What are you seeing as the biggest challenge in Traveller Wellbeing over the next 12 months?
Ok, we have to be pragmatic and respect budgets first and foremost. A strong evidence-backed business case is needed that details cost-recommendations (stay tuned folks, I’ll have it with you soon!) yet in the meantime, the challenge is taking a leap of faith with small steps, constant reflection and adaptation.
Quick Fire Questions
1. What do you enjoy most about your role?
So much. I’m fortunate. It’s varied, I can be creative, show my personal vibe and it allows me to fit in Ironman training! I love connecting with people (the old-fashioned non-digital way!), helping spread health and happiness, working with people directly and helping organisations help their people. It’s brilliant to know I’ve had an impact on improving someone’s life – and had fun myself!
2. What frustrates you about the business travel industry?
When people question the value of wellbeing for travellers, or underestimate the need to tailor to their unique needs and wants, although I do feel things are improving and people want to take action, they simply need a little guidance to start. Have faith folks, we’ll have a strong business case soon!
3. Where’s your favourite holiday destination?
Anywhere new and exciting! City, beach, mountains. If it involves exploring and laughing, I’m there, usually with my Legend Loonie (a best pal).
4. If you were stranded on a desert island, what 3 things would you take with you?
I am going to be cheeky here and ask for 3 ‘groups’ as I love them too much to leave behind... my close family, my three best girl-friends and white lily man. Now, that would be a constant party!
5. If I had that magic wand and could change one single thing, what would it be?
That the world was filled with health, happiness and longevity!