Celebrating Excellence | 5 Minutes with Jemma Mcmahon

Jemma Mcmahon, National Account Manager, Roomzzz Aparthotels, winner of the ITM Mentee of the Year Award
How does it feel to win an ITM Achievement Award?
Amazing. I still feel in shock! So happy, proud and for once speechless!
How did you get into business travel?
I actually started in retail travel and then was unfortunately made redundant so I decided to move into business travel with my first job as working as a Reservations Co-Ordinator for a hotel company. I then moved into events; then moved into a reactive Account Manager position, and decided I wanted to work in pro-actively in a sales role. The rest is history!
What’s the best thing about your present job?
I love the relationship building and meeting new contacts. I literally thrive on the communication side of my job.
What advice would you give to someone looking to get into the business travel industry?
Do it! I fell into travel but really love it and I honestly couldn’t see myself doing anything different. Its hard work but when the hard work pays off, it is definitely worth it.
What’s the favourite place you’ve travelled to and why?
Can I be greedy and say two? Whistler in Canada as it’s where I got engaged and Lake Garda as that’s where I got married
What would be your Desert Island item?
A bed with bed sheets and a pillow!