ITM Mentoring Programme Marks Five Year Milestone with Next Intake of Buyer and Supplier Mentees

The Institute of Travel Management (ITM) is embarking on the fifth year of its Mentoring Programme with the next intake of buyer and supplier mentees who have now commenced the 12-month framework.
The Mentoring Programme provides mentees with unparalleled access to leading industry experts in a one-to-one environment to support their career development and personal growth. The programme is free of charge for ITM ‘Business’ level members.
The 12 new mentees have been carefully matched with their respective mentors, who are also a mix of ITM buyer and supplier members, via a comprehensive profile pairing process based on their respective skillsets. This creates opportunities for buyer to buyer, supplier to supplier and buyer to supplier mentoring.
Since its launch in 2019, the ITM Mentoring Programme has seen almost 90 mentees successfully complete the programme, which initially operated with one intake of mentees annually at the start of each year. However, the success of the programme and demand from ITM members to join, led to the introduction of a second mid-year intake of mentees in June 2021, who also follow a 12-month framework. Applications for 2024’s mid-year intake of mentees will open in the spring, for a start date in June.
The Mentoring Programme forms part of the ITM Community range of initiatives to provide guidance and education to members in a supportive environment, as well as retain and develop talent within the business travel industry.
Scott Davies, CEO, ITM commented: “Initiatives such as our Mentoring Programme are integral to nurturing talent, helping individuals with their career progression and encouraging them to stay in our industry. The programme is of an exceptionally high standard and highly effective because of the bespoke personalised pairing process, and the calibre of the mentors who dedicate considerable time to their respective mentee. We are delighted that the programme is now in its fifth year and another intake of mentees is embarking on the framework with their personal mentor.”
Joining the programme as a mentor for the first time this year is TripStax CEO Jack Ramsey who comments: “The ITM Mentoring programme is by far the best one I have ever been involved with. The level of attention ITM gives to matching the mentors and mentees means it is not just an 'out of a hat' exercise, but a real effort to bring meaningful value to those involved. For me, mentoring is about putting like-minded individuals together who can learn as much from each other as possible and enable each other to reflect on the areas of their professional lives that so often get neglected due to day-to-day workloads. On this year's programme I am matched with an extraordinary individual with whom I share many similarities, and already after only a few sessions, the process is having a real impact both ways.”
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