ITM Raises a huge £22,118 for Women’s Aid

Sophie Griffiths, Senior Corporate and Major Donor Fundraising Officer at Women's Aid, joined us for the ITM Gala evening to bring awareness to this fantastic cause. Sophie has provided a few words of gratitude below.
"On behalf of everyone at Women's Aid, I want to extend our heartfelt thanks to every one at the Institute of Travel Management. Your generous donation will make a huge difference to our work supporting women across the country. This includes our online support services like the Survivors Forum and our No Woman Turned Away project, helping women access emergency refuge accommodation when they need it most. With two women a week killed by their partner or ex-partner in England and Wales, your donation will no doubt save lives - helping women to escape violence and rebuild their lives away from fear."
If you or anyone you know is experiencing domestic abuse, you can call the National Domestic Violence Helpline on 08082000247 (run in partnership with Refuge).
For more information about our services and how your support will make a difference, you can contact Sophie at