RFPs, Online Booking Tools, and DE&I Travel Policy are Key Topics at Latest ITM Buyer Knowledge Exchange
Buyers continue to feel challenged by NDC and any future changes in content distribution across the supply chain, agreeing that there is a need to include specific questions in airline and other category tenders.
Buyers also acknowledge that their TMC is a key partner in supporting discussions with any supplier looking to change distribution strategy and access to content. However, buyers also need to ask their TMC the right questions, for example regarding technical roadmaps and timelines, especially when going out to tender, in order to ease the transition, as well as future-proof their programme.
These were some of the issues and recommendations raised by global, EMEA and UK travel managers attending ITM’s latest Buyer Knowledge Exchange on 13th June.
Other topics discussed included online booking tools and a wish list of what travel managers want from their OBT now and in the longer term. Features to support the corporate’s sustainability objectives are clearly high priorities, for example, CO2 emissions at the point of sale; user-friendly comparisons for rail and air; post-trip actuals and flown reports.
Buyers attending the session also sought peer-to-peer advice on DE&I travel policy considerations. Recommendations included establishing a bespoke programme for individuals who need additional support which can be authorised outside of the main policy; reaching out to groups within the organisation to support their specific considerations, and conducting country-specific risk assessments for certain groups of travellers.
Buyer Knowledge Exchange sessions are hosted regularly by ITM to assist buyer members problem to solve common issues, asking questions of their peers and benchmarking their approach. Travel managers taking part represent diverse industry sectors such as financial services, energy, food, technology, telecoms, consulting, media and entertainment.
For a full download of buyer sentiment on hotel and NDC pricing topics at the latest Buyer Knowledge Exchange, visit ITM Resource to access the notes from the session. The next Buyer Knowledge Exchange takes place on July 11, 2023. Buyers can click here to register and join the discussion.