Global Serviced Apartment Industry Report 2024

The Global Serviced Apartment Industry Report (GSAIR) 2024 is a comprehensive industry report that explores trends, data, and insights in the serviced apartment sector. It covers topics such as corporate demand for serviced apartments, sustainability, the impact of AI, sourcing, usage trends, and program performance metrics. The report is based on surveys of over 3,000 corporate buyers, agents, and serviced apartment operators and presents detailed analyses of the industry’s current state and its future direction.

Key trends highlighted include a levelling off of corporate demand, the increasing importance of sustainability, and the rise of technology in providing more streamlined booking processes. The report also touches on the industry’s struggles to attract talent and the potential for increased automation. It emphasises the growing significance of ESG credentials and the shift in corporate housing trends, reflecting the evolving needs of both corporate travellers and operators.

This edition continues to provide valuable data and commentary to inform stakeholders within the serviced apartment industry.

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Published: 10 Sep 2024
Type: Report
Produced by: Other
Sector : Serviced Apartments
Business - IP Supplier : Free
Business - IP Buyer : Free
Business - Supplier : Free
Business - Buyer : Free
Connect - IP Supplier : Free
Connect - IP Buyer : Free
Connect - Supplier : Free
Connect - Buyer : Free