Global Serviced Apartment Industry Report EMEA 2024

The 2024 Global Serviced Apartment Industry Report (GSAIR) for the EMEA region offers in-depth insights into the serviced apartment sector, covering key trends, challenges, and opportunities. The report includes analysis on cost management versus assignee satisfaction, budgeting strategies, and how trust can be built in global mobility and business travel technologies. It also highlights regional market changes, such as the evolving extended stay market in the GCC and the specific challenges of operating in Africa.

The report is a collaborative effort, featuring contributions from industry leaders who provide their perspectives on topics like balancing relocation costs, understanding the dynamics of serviced apartments, and managing risk. This edition emphasises the importance of addressing both corporate objectives and individual needs, offering strategies to improve the overall experience of serviced apartment clients and stakeholders.

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Published: 10 Sep 2024
Type: Report
Produced by: Other
Sector : Serviced Apartments
Business - IP Supplier : Free
Business - IP Buyer : Free
Business - Supplier : Free
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